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Shine Your Talk (14): Leading Up

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  • Shine Your Talk (14): Leading Up
Speaker: Elaine Kung
30 Mar 2023

Hello, I’m Elaine Kung. Happy to continue our study on SHINE Your Talk! Sharing from my 30-some years of professional and ministry experience. So in our SHINE Your Talk! Series we’re coming towards the end on the SHINE - S is speak with SINCERE, 8C and how to PREPARE to Lead Up. So that's what we're gonna discuss this time. How do we prepare to Lead Up? As we know, our relationship with our boss is really most important. Then we align to what our boss looks for so we'll know how to work with our co-workers and our subordinates.

So if we have a boss who likes to micromanage then we want to be careful and don't take it personally because that's their style. It's not about something they are picking on me. It's more about how they work. So then I want to offer regular updates in a proactive manner and provide status report so that I am proactive to share detail with the boss, because they're micro manager, they like know to know all the detail like this cartoon shows. And it's better to over communicate with this type of micromanager boss and anticipate that they like to get involved and we should just welcome them.

Of course, you set boundary so that it doesn't slow down your work. And again, you can use the sandwich technique to explain and help make sure we build good relationship.

If your boss is a workaholic, they work so hard. Again, we want to be clear in setting boundaries and in terms of their request, use the sandwich technique with the bread on top and the bread and bottom being positive. And the middle is to meet with the recommendation how you would help to set boundary in order for all the priorities can be addressed and provide specific details regarding the timeline and projects so that they won't assume it's gonna get done tomorrow just like that. So you set proper expectation and important to acknowledge their needs. Remember the wise APPEAL communication tool. It’s a good way to help acknowledge that need. “I understand you need this. And I have an issue with this because I am working on something.” And then,
“May I ask to have more time to plan?”

So that way, through the three steps of wise APPEAL, it can help to acknowledge their needs and set boundary. And align priority and expectation and that’s best done during the one-on-one which we’ll go through those steps of how to set priority and align on the expectation so there's no surprise. And go the extra mile if you can. Don't just go the extra mile all the time. You need to prioritize and to accept a proper boundary.

How about if your boss is hands off? So they are really free hands free hands off. Then we want to be proactive, again, through your one-on-one meeting with your boss in a regular basis, then you get to ask for the input and their feedback. Instead of reactive and they don't get involved and you don't ask then you may have a very big gap in your expectation. So it's important to align. Make clear request for time and input to make sure you can put your time in their calendar that we can have a regular one-on-one and meet because they tend to be hands off. So we want to find a good balance and good way to interact with them. So the regular meeting, especially on critical projects, make sure there's enough check in to make sure that we are in sync with our progress, milestone and timeline.

And then with these hands-off boss, you don't want to burden them with too much detail like the micro manager because they're not interested. They want to just see the result. So you want to be very sustained and well prepared because they may not have much patience.

What if your boss is impulsive? Oh my, it could be like a chaos field. They can think of something today and then change their mind tomorrow. And they keep giving these new ideas. What do you do? You know, if they're impulsive you would embrace change if you're able, based on what they think is the right way. And of course, you should again use the sandwich technique for the wise APPEAL to help set boundary and communicate. And then provide project lists to explain these are the project already in progress with the new ideas that the boss comes up with, how to align and prioritize. And be open and honest, professional and diligent and wise with the communication to share your pros and cons of the new ideas that your impulsive boss comes up with and ask the leader to help prioritize to make sure all the new projects and the current ones are well understood, time allocation, prioritization will on the same page. And then at some point, you have to kind of hedge your bets if some ideas may be good to go along and some need, I want to be more cautious.

In total, we have now learned 11 types of bosses. Here’s four here and then here’s six here and then plus a few more. So these are the summary of all the boss type.

What their attitude is. What's my attitude? And then what’s your do’s and don'ts. Finally, the last 2 types making the total of 11 bosses are introvert boss, an extrovert boss. What do we do?

If they're introvert boss, they tend to be quiet, more private. Then we want to work with them, because they like to reflect more inward, more privacy. And they like concentration, lower external stimulus and they think to themselves and more contained. So with that understanding, you want to go along with their way and then supplement and help them with more the external interaction, because they may not be comfortable. So we want to complement and supplement how they are good at certain things and what they need our help with other things, such as the, external interaction.

So when leading up an introvert manager, you want to schedule meetings in advance because they quite tend to be private. They don’t like to meet too often, and then tell them the topic ahead of time. For all my employees and my mantees, I help them prepare the meeting, at least send agenda 2 days before the meeting so that it's clear what's expected, what's being planned, what's the angle, what's on the agenda? Minimize the impromptu meetings, because they don't like that. And then check in more proactively for the one-on-one, because they may not ask you because they're introvert. And then ask them for their thoughts. When you do ask them for their thoughts don't just ask as a blank question. You should be well-prepared; you’ve done your homework and lay it out and serve it on a silver platter. Lay out all the ideas, the input and then get their thoughts instead of just a blank sheet of paper. Asking, give them time to think and respond because they like to be reflective and be okay with silence. It's okay. Sometimes we may feel uncomfortable with silence, the silence is actually golden. It’s okay to be silent and let each other think and then communicate via email or texts because they may not like the people interaction as much. And then at the end you have to wait because introvert manager may not be very quick to respond.

And finally, number 11 type boss, extrovert manager. They tend to be very action-oriented, outward, people-centric. They enjoy interaction, high external stimulus, thinks out loud, literally. Right? Expressive. They tell you what’s their thoughts and what's on their mind. So how do we Lead Up to extrovert manager. Make time to engage so that it’s not just quick discussion but really engage in deeper conversation.

Speak up. Not just let them speak. You should also speak up and hear them out because they like to talk and you want to listen to them. Welcome brainstorming. And we can summarize to make sure you're on the same page because they tend to be talking fast and want to make sure you align to them. And then they enjoy communicating face-to-face or on the phone and then rely less on email. So with the different communication tools, whether on the phone or email, we can talk further how do we actually use any of those tools.

So for all boss types, I offer the BRAIN Tips. B-R-A-I-N Tips that always work for all both types. B - bring solutions, not problems. So like I said earlier, do your homework. Be prepare. Never bring a problem without at least one solution. So come up with different scenario.

R - respect your boss’ time. They are very busy, they have a group of people to manage, then they have their boss that they need to lead up. So be prepared with the meeting with your boss. Again, serve it on a silver platter. Clear agenda ahead of time. All the contents well documented. Boom, boom, boom, get to the point, clear, concise, compelling with good call to action.

A - accept feedback. Be humble, be open minded. Look for ways that you can take action on their feedback instead of being defensive.

I - implement and compensate, support your boss’ strengths. To complement and learn from their strength and then bolster their weakness how to supplement and complement.

And then N is not wait, be proactive. Anticipate your boss’ need, be proactive, be predictive. And that would be preventive of any surprises or unexpected circumstances. So anticipate your boss’ need, be ahead of the game. Don't wait to be asked.

So as you think about real world how you get to know yourself in order to know your boss and work with your boss style. You want to know about yourself, know about your boss and then you have good interaction. So think about your own work style, your preferences, priorities, and your pet peeves so that you are more aware of your own habits.

How are you the same or different from your boss? How can you be more effective in Leading Up? Because we want to lead from our strength, always lead from what we are good at. And then what we're not so good at will take time to develop and have to supplement with other skills. And how can you help the team to lead up to you? So for your subordinates, help your subordinates to know your work style, your communication style so that they can effectively Lead Up to you.

So Things That Your Boss Wishes You’d Talk About, such as what you really enjoy doing, what you find boring, your idea of automation or streamline workflows that helps improve efficiency, cut down cost. Always welcome. Your feedback and your goals, your dreams. What do you wanna be when you grow up? So that should be in your one-on-one and especially in the career planning session. Your knowledge gaps so that you seek ways to take training and how to fill those steps and be honest and transparent. What you're thinking, what are your thoughts? So these are good things for us to include in our discussion with our boss. More are your issues with other employees, right? Be wise and how to communicate. How the company influence your perspective in your life. That's important, right? This is really both work life and your family life. Together should be compatible. Because your boss want you to be happy at work and at home. What isn't working? So you use the communication skill to articulate and be wise in communicating those. What you're taking time. When you're taking time, make sure you let the boss know early. And your career progression like we said, the one-on-one planning of your career discussion.

So that's the 11 boss types and how we can Lead Up effectively. I hope that you can use any one of those tools, start with baby step and put into this 4H Life application in your head, heart, hands and make it a habit. And think of what the changes may be based on what you heard about these 11 boss types, how to Lead Up what you're gonna start doing, stop doing, do more and do less. Thank you. See you next time.


  1. In understanding the biblical meaning of work and how we are Called To Work, what changes will you make for you to SHINE Your Talk?
  2. How will you live out the 6M Prayer and your Christian influence at work?  6M defined by LICC: Model Godly character, Make good work, Minister with grace and love, Mold office culture, Mouthpiece of truth and justice, Messenger of the Gospel.  
  3. In the S of SHINE Your Talk overview: Speak with SINCERE, 8C, REASON, PREPARE to Lead Up, SOAR, 1on1 meeting, which topic(s) will be the most relevant and needed for your current work situation?
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