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Shine Your Talk (13): The Different Boss Types

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  • Shine Your Talk (13): The Different Boss Types
Speaker: Elaine Kung
23 Mar 2023

Hello, I'm Elaine Kung. We continue on the series SHINE Your Talk! We started on S - Speak with SINCERE, 8C and then we started to look at how to Lead Up using the 7 steps PREPARE strategy. We know we're gonna learn about different boss type, sitting in the whole boss puzzle. And we started with the bully boss. So a total of 11 boss types. So I have ten more to share with you. So the next one, The Good. Wow we all want to have a good boss. The good boss characteristic is they’re easy to deal with personally, maintains a personal and professional separation, very patient and predictable. They don't think outside of the box, go by the book, straightforward, but they're a good manager, may not be great. Just good enough. They just do what makes sense. Sometimes you may think that they're a little bit boring or just status quo because they're more straightforward and rigid. And they accept people as they are, which is good. So that's a good boss. It's easier to work with the good boss compared to what we discussed last time on the bully boss.

So what we want to do to Lead Up the good boss to help them to be their best, for the greater good aligned to a shared vision is that we want to be consistent. Be open and honest because the good boss does not like office politics. If you feel that you think it's a little bit boring to work with a good boss, come with projects of your own, be creative, because your boss is quite more straightforward and go by the book. Don't show your anger or boredom.

Again, high EQ instead of low EQ because the good boss want their people to be happy. Help the good boss make connections, because they may not be very good with network, because they're more straightforward. They may not be the best in the networking. And then we may help them to do the dirty work. Sometimes this dirty work may involve confrontation and the good boss may not like to confront others. The Do’s suggests that you learn to be a risk manager, because your good boss may not be a risk taker. Be authentic because they don't like phonies and be the one that they can always count on. So you don't need to be a risk taker, but you need to manage the risk because your good boss doesn't like to take risks. Don't play games or pander or go along. State, speak the truth, be authentic and don't be unpredictable or inconsistent because the good boss likes it to be same time and time again.

So the next boss type is The Star. The boss type, the star, they tend to be more dramatic. Always put on a show because they're like a performer, they tend to have high energy and dynamic. They're never boring. Different from the good boss. They hate anything that delay action. They like to be fast moving, want to create excitement and also very demanding. They love to challenge the status quo, very different from the good boss. Quick to blame or insult others because they are the star, they want to look good. So if anything goes wrong, they may blame and insult other people. They would vent when things don't go their wrong way. That's a star boss. So you may actually relate to some of those. How do you Lead Up a star boss? So you would go enjoy the ride, embrace the drama because they like drama.

Of course, you need to set boundaries and take pride in being a part of this team. Because they like the confidence, they like to look good. Accept that you will always be able to keep up because they're so energetic and dynamic. I know one can give up with the star boss. Do your best and remember trust God with the rest and realize it sometimes won't be enough. And that's okay, because you're all in the same boat. It's all right even though the star boss may not think it's good enough. Try to steer rather than control because the star boss like to control. So you try to steer and guide along the way. Be precise and respond quickly because they're not very patient. So do be a patient listener, ask for help because you may not be able to handle all of their energy and expectation. Do provide post game analysis. What is the reflection? What can you learn from it? But stay away from pointing out where the star boss may have messed up. When you do point out and we talk about in the past, how do you communicate in those sticky situations?

And then don't talk back to the star boss, don't be disloyal. They are very sensitive to this. We want someone very committed and loyal to them and don't be a naysayer.

How about The Parent boss? They are like your parents always trying to manipulate or control and telling you what to do. The parent boss tends to flourish when calm exists, they like it to be calm. They typically are promoted from within. That's why they became a parent and try to control many things. These parent boss of found in areas such as in finance and human resources, more on the operations and they know from the internal, promoted from within, provide great deal of guidance. They like to tell you a lot of guidance and what to do and always available to answer questions. That's a good thing. And they like to tell others what to do. And they seem resistant to your ideas or suggestions. So you need to be very careful and wise how to communicate in those situations.

So how do you Lead Up the parent boss? Set clear limits, set the boundary that we discussed before and use the sandwich technique. And the wise APPEAL. Communicate these limits respectfully and clearly and calmly. Remember the high EQ, our SHINE value. Take advantage of their coaching and training to grow because the parent boss love to do that and develop you.

That's great and communicate what you want help with. Parents like to help you. Gather as much knowledge and gain as many skill as possible during the season with the parent boss.

How about The Geek boss? The boss who knows everything, very techy, they know their things well, better than anyone else. And yet they may lack people skills. The geeks tend of high IQ, know a lot of knowledge, solve problems and yet could be very low EQ when interacting with people. Typically, again, promoted from within, like the parent boss, and they prefer using their expertise instead of managing people. They tend to still be more like an individual contributor, IC, as opposed to a manager, a director and executive. So then you want to complement, help them and meet them where they are. They tend to be logical and analytical. The geek boss is excellent in leading like-minded geeks. So the geeks get along with the geeks well, and yet they struggle with cross functional team interaction.

So that's where you can help them to meet them where they are. But how do you Lead Up the geek? Find an effective mode of communication and we'll discuss in the future session what are different modes of communication and then meet them where they are. Use the same and adapt to their communication patterns. Email can be a great way to ask questions and get feedback because they may not like the human interaction and discussion. Email may be easier for them and better for them. They're more comfortable. It’d be better outside the office. Then you can go to lunch and grab a coffee together and view yourself as an apprentice because that way they feel like they can teach you as they are so knowledgeable. They like to help you and disciple you. Pay attention and know things that are not taught in school and learn from your geek boss and ask questions and assist with relationship building, use your high IQ to help your geek boss to supplement them as they may not be as good in EQ, not as good in relationship building.

So I hope from what we learnt from this geek boss, parent boss and star boss. Think about where you may have these boss, and then summarize what are the Do’s and the Don’t and not just in the head knowledge. Start to feel in your heart, the conviction, and then write down each one of these boss type the Do’s and don't. And how would that apply to your relationship with your boss and put down the action plan that you plan to practice with your hands and not just once you want it to be twice, 3 times and make it happen. So sometimes these boss type, maybe your direct boss, sometimes could be your skip level, sometimes could be your peer organization's boss, cross-functional. So work on it and pray for yourself and pray for these boss types, and that God will use the situation to help you grow to be a better and stronger leader to Lead Up and a better employee. And you can even role model for others. What is the right type of boss? And there are always pros and cons on different types.

And then think about what you're gonna add, start doing. Jot down the action you're gonna take, start doing. And subtract, you're gonna stop doing. Stop complaining, gossiping or unbiblical attitude. And definitely do more, pray for your boss, your manager, and read on God’s word to give you wisdom. And also, when you have these different boss type, that could be difficult, you need good self-care. Then you can take care of yourself first before you can take care of your boss, other people and projects. And then divide, do less being fearful of the kind of boss that you have. So I pray for you to get to know your boss type and be wise in taking the right action and pray how to do and don't. See you next time.

  1. In leading an effective 1on1 meeting with your boss, prepare a specific agenda adopting Speaker Elaine’s template, so that you can build positive relationship with your boss.
  2. As part of your 1on1 meeting preparation, write up at least 1 SOAR story illustrating your strengths with IQ, EQ or/and AQ.  Practice and internalize the storyline, so that you can be natural and start a new habit of telling SOAR stories.  
  3. Based on your Boss’ communication style and preference, knowing your own strengths in how you communicate, you can plan your optimum communication channels for specific topics with your Boss using E-mail, Phone, Video conferencing, Brief ad-hoc meeting, Memo, Formal meeting.  Name 1 change you will start to make.
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