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[Life Testimony] Dancing through the Seasons (07)

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  • [Life Testimony] Dancing through the Seasons (07)
Joyce Ewing-Chow
23 Aug 2018

Hello friends!  Thank you for staying tuned with us. For the past several weeks, we were inspired by the testimonies of ordinary yet remarkable women. Today is no exception. With the Lord of the Dance, let’s hold on tightly as He leads us to tango.

Two weeks ago, we mentioned that Joyce was criticised, opposed and accused by a group of people - who called themselves the “significant minority” – in her church. Joyce recalled, “I could never have got through my ordeal of deep, heart-wrenching rejection if not for my band of sisters.”  

Joyce met Ann Chan, the associate pastor from Covenant Evangelical Free Church in a café. Ann’s genuine warm smile of empathy immediately put Joyce at ease. It was a feeling she hadn’t experienced for a long time. Joyce poured out her heart to Ann. As she gently validated Joyce’s feelings, Ann pointed out that God sometimes grows us through pain. In the testing of our faith foundation, she said God sometimes heats up the furnace to purify those things in us that don’t bring glory to Him. If we were to embrace the pains as part of God’s good plans for us, we would pass every test in our journey of faith.

That day, the godly counsel Joyce received shed light into the dark corners of her heart. Joyce realised that she had gloried in her creative talents and felt she had the right to receive applause and accolades. In her self-righteousness and attitude of superiority, she had belittled people without realising it. It was difficult to accept this revelation, but God was gracious. He cushioned her blow by providing Ann whose unconditional acceptance of Joyce helped her receive this hard lesson.

God, in His mercy, had allowed each of those self-erected idols to be thrown down and smashed so that Joyce would learn to worship Him and glory in Him. She admitted to Ann those thoughts that had surfaced. Ann invited Joyce to her mentoring group which comprised other pastors’ wives and women church leaders. Joyce readily accepted the invitation.

Each month, this band of sisters met. The mentoring times were varied and enriching. The women laughed and cried together as the Holy Spirit taught, counselled and comforted them in the reading of Scriptures and the sharing from Henry Cloud’s book, Changes That Heal. The months that followed were refreshing seasons of healing for Joyce’s wounded spirit. Joining the group had been a major milestone of breakthrough for her in her journey towards wholeness.

This is so true for Isaiah 48: 17 says, “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.”

God used this mentoring group to teach Joyce the tango of brokenness and humble yielding. She says, “Learning to dance in step with my band of sisters has been exhilarating, as I have learnt to flow into the rhythm of God’s dealings in my life. I had the surprising joy of discovering that brokenness is one of the ways God uses to answer our prayer for enlargement. Yes, He has enlarged my territory to include this band of sisters.  I’m forever grateful!”

When God leads someone in His unique way according to His plan and timing, the person will soon see light on his or her path. 1 John 1: 7 says, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin”.

Let us build our faith strongly in Him, knowing that our Father in Heaven answers our prayers. “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” (Deuteronomy 33: 27)



Meiling’s Dance


For most of us, submission does not come easily. The struggle is so much harder when it involves a decision that has significant and long-term effects. Meiling and her husband decided to move from the church in which they had invested much. It was especially not easy because they were seeing early signs of fruit from their labour. However, the hurt and feelings of rejection were too real to both of them.

Inwardly, Meiling hoped for a surprise turnaround from the Lord. A turnaround would be a glorious testimony. But even as they moved out and as she waited, cried and badgered God, nothing changed.

Her pain begun to spread as she found herself battling at multiple levels. She questioned, “Have we failed? Would people understand? Why did God choose to be silent at this time? What will happen to us especially our young children who are pining for the safety and familiarity of the community?” Those questions raged relentlessly in her mind. Meiling missed her community and missed serving them. She cried for their fresh search for a new shepherd and the suffering they would go through. Anger, frustration, guilt and intercession knotted her heart unendingly.

Meiling struggled for a long time, questioning God’s word and His ways. She even debated within herself whether it was worthwhile serving God. Emotionally, she was bleeding badly.

Some time later, both husband and wife sought the counsel of older and more mature servants of the Lord. One of them was Pastor Edmund Chan from the Covenant Evangelical Free Church. Meiling and her husband were heartened at how readily he and his wife, Ann, agreed to meet with them. They showed implicit trust in their honesty and praised them for not giving in to bitterness. Meiling saw the first glimmer of something good.  Then Ann invited Meiling to join her mentoring group.

At first, Meiling was hesitant because she had never joined a women’s group before. However, at their Christmas dinner in 2007, Meiling joined the group. Joyce was also there. While Meiling sat quietly at the far end of the dining table, she looked so forlorn and helpless that Joyce was immediately drawn to her - a broken woman with a deep wound in her heart and bleeding badly.

While the group of ladies enjoyed the roasted turkey provided by their generous host that evening, each of them shared their stories of God’s dealings in their lives and the triumph of letting Him have His way with them. Soon, it was Meiling’s turn but she couldn’t share at all. No words came; just bitter tears, flowing freely. The host wisely steered all the ladies from that awkward moment by asking for coffee orders. In the excitement of deciding between cappuccino or latte, Meiling discreetly made her way to the washroom.

Among the band of sisters, at every monthly meeting, there was much laughter. What a healing balm to Meiling! As Meiling got to know the women of different ages, different personalities, different journeys, she felt hope rising again. As she looked at their integration and abandonment in sharing their lives, Meiling felt loved and accepted for who she was. God showed her that they all had clipped wings; they all limped through their own terrain of rejection; they all suffered various degrees of brokenness. Yet this group of godly women still exude the inexplicable peace of their redemptive Saviour.

Meiling’s pain had an element of warfare in it but that band of sisters provided the cover, support and lifeline. In times of pain, she was tempted to run and hide but that’s dangerous to do. Just when she lacked the community so essential to her healing, God replaced her loss by providing a fresh community for her.

Her path of healing was an uphill one, but she soon found her own dance with Jesus. Meiling finally found a place of solace, of connection and of healing. God, through the loss, taught her to dance again in unabashed disclosure of her life to this new community of grace and love.

Today, Meiling is still keeping in step with Him as she feels the excitement for growth. A sense of hope begins to well up in the depths of her wounded heart. Indeed, He is the Lord of the dance. Meiling said she would hold on tightly as He leads her towards her complete healing. Isaiah 42: 3 & 4 say, “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth.” Halleluyah!

Though we are hurt, depressed and weary, God is always alongside us, guiding us in His perfect plan. And surely, God is able to do abundantly more than we can ever ask or imagine.

God never promised any one of us a life that is smooth-sailing. For some of us, our paths are bumpy and unlevelled. For others, pebbles and stumbling blocks are strewn across our way, making each step an ordeal. Some journeys are like roller-coaster rides, with sharp twists and turns, and extremely crazy ups and downs. Why is life like that? It is through walking such paths that God moulds our character and deals with our shortcomings of self-centredness, egoism, pride and selfishness. It is part of His plan for us. He wants us to be people who are pleasing in His eyes. Though some lessons are bitter and of which we would prefer to forget, the change is necessary and vitally important to Christians. But He will not test us beyond our capability for in 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “… God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.”

The healing dance requires faith, courage and boldness. We are very mindful of each step we take because some of us could be relying on walking aids. But remember, friends, He is always by our side even when we are limping along or without much physical strength to support our movement. Jesus says in Mark 5:36, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Put your trust in Him wholeheartedly. One would be able to do any dance with the Lover of our souls as He partners us.

Join us next week again for more impactful testimonies!

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