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Kingdom Business Culture (26): The top priority of kingdom enterprises is to help society solve problems

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  • Kingdom Business Culture (26): The top priority of kingdom enterprises is to help society solve problems
Speaker:GLOBAL JIREH Translator:Jacey GAO Narrator:Angelie GACASAN
12 Oct 2023

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:18-19)


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thanks for tuning in to GLOBAL REACHOUT. I am Sister Angelie, and starting from November, we have launched the program called the "Kingdom Business Culture". This program is based on the workplace training course by GLOBAL JIREH entitled, "Christ-centred Entrepreneurship". This course was compiled by Pastor Tony TAY Meng Hiang to help brothers and sisters live out Christ in the workplace.

We encourage brothers and sisters to sign up for this course, so that they will not only have the opportunity to communicate directly with the instructors, but also establish long-term and close contacts with the kingdom business operators in the group, learn from each other and encourage one another, and put the theory into practice. Living out Christ in the workplace. For those who are interested, you can refer to the end of the manuscript and register by email.

In today's program, we are going talk about the primary task of kingdom enterprises which is to solve problems - enterprises that can help society solve problems are valuable enterprises; helping society solve problems is the mission of kingdom enterprises. Therefore, we need to take a proactive approach to the problem at hand and deal with it through the strength that comes from obeying the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Brothers and sisters, when we are willing to respond to the Lord’s calling and bring the calling into the workplace to solve problems, we will carry out the mission with the Lord’s anointing power and have the Lord’s Spirit on us. At this time, we as Christians have priestly authority, prophetic glory, and kingly power to respond to the mission.

       In fact, only with the triple anointings that the Lord bestows—priestly, prophetically, and kingly—can we solve the problems of human body, mind, and spirit. Luke 4:18-19 says: The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

This verse shows us that the gospel will be preached to the poor. The poor here include captives—mentally poor, blind—spiritually poor, and oppressed—physically poor. If we follow the example of Jesus and proclaim the good news of liberation and freedom to the captives, we must have priestly authority so that our hearts can be freed from bondage, so that we can worship God and gain a deep level of freedom in our lives. In order to announce the good news to the blind, we ourselves need to have prophetic light, so that the human eye is not blinded, and deviations in religious regulations can be recognized, and life can gain a high level of freedom. To deliver the message of liberty to the oppressed, we need the kingly power, to help others out of economic hardship and to gain freedom in life.

Let's first look at how kingdom enterprises can help others solve the problem of psychological poverty. Today, many people's hearts are bound, and the purpose of their lives is not to worship and glorify God; instead, what they worship is a person, a false god, or even themselves. Today, if our own life lacks freedom in depth, and is still bound by evil desires, people’s demands, and false gods’ lies, we will not sanctify our business to God, and we will not operate the business in order to worship God. We need to be very vigilant about this. At the same time, kingdom entrepreneurs should also pay attention to the fact that the wicked also use material poverty to bind people's hearts. We have seen that some poor people do not dare to offend the "master" in order to make a living, and they will do their best to meet the expectations of the "master" in order to keep their jobs. Because their hearts set at the wrong place, these poor people’s life is being controlled by others and they cannot make good use of their time to discover, develop and exert their talents and gifts. But the purpose of our salvation is to serve the Lord—to do what the Lord wants us to do, so as to glorify God. The will to live for the glory of the Lord will surely urge us to participate in the Great Commission, so that the poor around us can be freed just like us. From now on, we will serve the Lord and to glorify God.

Kingdom enterprises also have a responsibility to assist others in their spiritual poverty. We know that only if worshipping deeply can we have a high level of vision, to be able to perceive God’s actions and understand God’s will. Many people are living in the lies of the evil one, blind in heart, dark in spirit, and unaware that they are walking on the wrong path of life. Jesus healed the sick seven times on the Sabbath, which was to show that the spiritual truth of the Sabbath was sincere love, so as to correct people's misunderstanding of the Sabbath at that time. The responsibilities that kingdom enterprises should perform include reviving people's souls and guiding people to follow the path of righteousness. In an enterprise, we should not use dogmas like religious sentiments to suppress people and make people lose the freedom of the truth; to let the Holy Spirit lead us to understand and obey the truth, the truth will set us free.

Finally, kingdom enterprises should help others solve the problem of physical poverty. Today, because of the huge gap between rich and poor caused by human greed, there are 3 billion people in the world who earn only $2.50 a day. Many poor people are oppressed by the rich and do not receive fair treatment. As disciples of Jesus, we must integrate the gospel mission and the cultural mission, and influence and lead others to be disciples, so that everyone can govern the earth according to the culture of the kingdom of heaven. This means that Christian entrepreneurs have the mission of redeeming the culture of the kingdom of heaven, so that the earth can be properly governed, so that each person can get what he needs and respond to his own calling; and the ultimate goal is to let the glory of Jehovah spread all over the world, like water filling the ocean.

       In summary: Kingdom enterprises should be committed to comprehensively addressing the needs of people's body, mind and spirit. God has given us priestly authority, prophetic truth, and kingly power. We take God’s anointing to face the needs of the world, use the authority bestowed by God to reconcile people with God and gain freedom; use the truth revealed by God to revive people’s souls and gain spirituality liberty; freeing people from poverty and attaining physical liberty with God-given power.

Dear friends, this is where we end today's episode. I hope to see you again on the next episode of Kingdom Business Culture!




1. According to your observation, what is the biggest social need where your company is located?

2. In what ways is your company involved in addressing social needs? How is it done? What was the result?

3. Kingdom enterprises have the responsibility to help people in three levels of physical, mental and spiritual needs. Do you think there is a sequence of these three levels? What is the relationship between them?

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