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[Energiser] An Enlightened Life(03)

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  • [Energiser] An Enlightened Life(03)
Dr.Michelle Liew
20 Jul 2017

Regardless of whether we are Christians or not, unless you come from a very wealthy family, or maybe you are your own boss, if not, most of us will need to work for a living. It is inevitable that sometimes in our workplace, we will be faced with issues where we cannot make the decision and control the situation. Perhaps it’s an unreasonable request from the boss which we cannot reject. Perhaps it’s a sudden switch of roles/positions. If you have ever encountered such instances, what was your reaction like?


In today’s program, we shall hear from sister Michelle’s sharing, when a Christian encounters the above situations, how her reactions differ from the non-believers.


In June 2013, Michelle received news from the Director of the Global Environment Health and Safety Department(EHS), to assist with the business development in China more effectively and efficiently, there were plans to relocate all the EHS Asia Pacific managers to Shanghai by the end of 2013. From the perspective of the business development, this was an appropriate decision as Michelle’s company has significant investments and developments in the various provinces in China. From the perspective of work, regardless of where she was, the nature of Michelle’s work and job scope would continue to remain unchanged. However, from the perspective of a family, this relocation might imply the need for the whole family to move to Shanghai. From the perspective of serving ministry, it would mean that Michelle must step down from serving all her current ministries in the church, and to embark on a completely new journey of serving ministries in another country. What was God’s plan for Michelle?


Michelle honestly explained her difficult situation to the Director. She could not afford the hefty education bills of her children as they could only study in International Schools if they were to move to China. Their education bills would amount to USD 100,000 every year. Michelle also informed her Director very frankly that although she was still embracing an open-minded attitude, but as a Christian, she had to listen to God’s voice to make a decision.


Michelle then shared this piece of news with her family. The response from her daughter was a flat “no”. The two children were not prepared to leave Singapore for China. Michelle and her husband had to let go, leave it to God.


News in the company often spreads quickly. One day, the Asia-Pacific consultant of another department (let’s call it Department A) suddenly invited Michelle to apply for internal transfer for a post in her department. And Michelle thought, “Is God keeping me in Singapore through this department?” Her children happily encouraged her to apply for the internal transfer. However, just as she was driving to the interview with the Asia-Pacific Director of Department A, she felt inexplicably unsettled! Coincidentally, she felt like she was going to have diarrhea just five minutes before the interview. In the end, all the interviewers had reached one conclusion: Michelle would continue to spread the gospel through the new job position! All three leaders thought that spreading the gospel in Department A was a sensitive issue, even when talking about it outside working hours. Department A is a strong representative of the company’s culture and that position is responsible for promoting it. This led Michelle to conclude that it was not God’s intention to transfer her to Department A because the great commission has never been a choice, but instead a burden that she has to carry her whole life.


The message implanted in Michelle’s heart was that God has been sending her husband and her to China for business trips very frequently, and that they have also been burdened and passionate about sharing the gospel to the Chinese in China, for the past many years. There is a high likelihood of God leading them to China eventually but they know, from their children’s response, that it was not the right time yet. To go or to stay? In foresight and logic, Michelle would not be able to stay in Singapore if she did not make the internal transfer. Her only choice left was to resign if she did not want to move to Shanghai! However, she did not feel God’s calling for her to leave the current workplace. In that case, what was God’s will then? Michelle and her husband brought these questions to their pastor, in the hope that he could help them to see God’s will and intention more clearly. From the meet-up with the Pastor, he reminded them of two things. Firstly, to pray for and seek God’s will for matters that can only be completed in Him. Secondly, as parents, they should take this opportunity to guide the children to seek God’s heart and allow the family to experience God’s leadership together. The whole family prayed and sought God’s will.


In the morning of 5th August, Michelle prayed on her way to work, “Dear God! Please reveal your intentions personally to me through your words. Please do not hide your intentions from me.” She started her personal devotion the moment she reached office. And on that morning, God used the devotional passage, John 7:30 to speak to her, “The time is not ripe.”


Upon reading this, Michelle became calm and at peace, as she no longer needed to guess God’s intentions. Throughout the whole process of her interviews for internal transfer, Michelle updated her Global EHS Director about the development and progress status, and informed him of her intention of embarking on the interview process in order that she could make an informed decision. Her director was caring enough and said, “I will pray for you and your family!” Not long after that, the company concluded a large transaction of the purchase of a Multi-National Corporation (MNC) by the Headquarter in the USA, and 70% of the operations of the MNC are concentrated in Asia, with the Asia Headquarter in Singapore. This gave the director a reason to keep Michelle in Singapore. On the morning of 11th September 2013, Michelle received an official call from the director, informing her that she could keep her current position, and there was no need for her to move to Shanghai. After the incident, the consultant of Asia-Pacific Department A said to Michelle, “I saw God’s protection over you throughout the whole process. I saw that the Lord changed the initial intentions and plans of the leaderships. However, this only happened to you!” By then, one of Michelle’s colleague chose to resign, and another one has already moved to Shanghai.


One of Michelle’s colleagues who was on close terms with her commented, “God really listens to your prayer! Your God is so amazing!” Indeed, our God is amazing. This whole experience resembles the Israelites crossing the Red Sea; everyone in the company sees that “He is God!”


Matthew 6:33: But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.


Dear friend, the Bible tells us that those who accept Christ, those who believe in Christ, He will give them authority, to become God’s children. God listens to His children’s prayers, he guides their path and protects their thoughts. He also let His children experience His faithfulness. Through experiencing God, the children of God have true peace. And God’s guidance is so miraculous and full of grace!


We hope you enjoyed the amazing story and do tune in to our next episode of An Enlightened Life.


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