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[Elixir] Simply Listen (08):Progressive Revelation (Hebrews 1:1-2, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Luke 16:19-31)

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  • [Elixir] Simply Listen (08):Progressive Revelation (Hebrews 1:1-2, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Luke 16:19-31)
Rev Dr Roberto Betia Junior
13 Feb 2019

The Old Testament speaks of the verbal and written word.

Hebrews 1:1-2

 1In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. 

2 Peter 1:20-21

20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

Did you realize God is always in the speaking mode?    human history, He always has a message for humans. It is up to man to listen and respond. These may be general messages to all of us or specific messages to individuals. One should learn to distinguish between personal and general messages of God. It is a bad habit to claim any part of Scriptures just because it is written there. One should be certain if the message is for everyone or only for the person to whom God is addressing.  

The writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews points out three things to note about God speaking:

  1.  The Frequency
  2.  the Communication Channels
  3.  The Media.

1. The Frequency - many times

God does not get tired of talking to man. The author of Genesis wrote that when God breathed into a mass of clay, man became a ‘living soul’. God had given man His personality so that man could also speak with God. God loves to talk with man and always has a message for him; He wants man to know His heart and mind.

What do you think God talks with humans about?

Oh! There are many things. For example:

  1. His plans

God is excited to share His plans for humans. Man was created for a purpose. God is excited to let man know what He has in store. Jesus summarized this in John 10:28 as ‘abundant life’. The God of the universe wants to give man the best.

  1. Warnings and Commands

When man sinned, God continued to speak to man. God gave warnings and commands. After all, He still is God and wanted an organized life for man. Creation still has order and the first couple needed to abide by God’s rules and laws. God didn’t wish to add misery to their already tumultuous life. God still expected them to obey all the commandments even though they had disobeyed the first.

  1. Added Blessings

In His grace, God talked to man to give them added blessings. If they followed God’s prescription, they would reap blessings. Assurance of a good harvest is guaranteed as long as guidelines are followed. Extra blessings and even surpluses can still be obtained from their labor.

Though cursed, people can still be blessed in one way or another. Difficulties in life can be transcended and won because God cares, and His concern does not stop. His love for humans still continues and many people have learned to enjoy His blessings because they listened to God!

2. The Communication Channelsvarious

A message could be transmitted in many ways. God has access to all types and manner of transmission.

God talked directly to humans like Adam and Eve. He talked directly to Noah, Abraham and his children.

He talked with judges like Deborah, Barak, Gideon, Jephthah and others.

He talked with kings like David, Solomon and many more.

He talked to prophets like Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Micah and the rest.

He talked to priests like Eli, Samuel and Ezra.

Sometimes, God talked through unusual sources:

 He spoke through a donkey. 

He talked to Moses through a burning bush.

When Elijah ran away, He talked to him in a still small voice.

3. The Mediathe Prophets

The most common way God talked to humans is through a prophet. A prophet is a spokesperson of God. He is simply a loudspeaker. He didn’t speak about his own ideas but simply transmitted what God said so that the intended recipient would receive it.

The Apostle Peter graphically portrayed this process in his Epistle.

2 Peter 1:20-21

20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

God’s messages in written form were compiled to become the Old and New Testaments. At first, the writings were in the form of scrolls. Later when the printing press was invented, they were made into a book. The book is called the Scriptures or Bible.

According to Peter, the real author of the books of the Bible is the Holy Spirit. He used humans to be His writers. In the process, He allowed the writers to use their own language, writing styles and their own experiences. You would notice that all the books of the Bible are not uniform. They were written by about 40 different authors and took about 1,600 years to compile!

Today, most people hear God through the Bible. If God wants to talk directly to you, He will!

The story in Luke 16:19-31 gives us a glimpse.

Two men had died. One was a rich man, the other was a poor man called Lazarus. The rich man ended up in Hades – a place of torment. Lazarus ended up in a comfortable place with Abraham. The rich man could see them both. But a wide chasm separated him from them. Neither party could cross over. Finally, the rich man requested Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his five brothers against ending up in Hades, like himself.

But Abraham replied,

“If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.” (Luke 16:31)

Well, all the brothers needed was to read the Scriptures and respond accordingly so they could go to Abraham. This is generally how God speaks to humans today.

It is not so important how God communicates his message. What is more important is the message itself. God has spoken His message clearly. The recipient, on the other hand, should understand the message and respond rightly.

Rev Dr Betia asks, “If God is always speaking, why do some people never hear?

Well, sometimes, the people God has chosen to lead others to Him, have failed to communicate His message properly.

However, if one really wants to seek God, there are available means to find God. In our modern world today, no one has any excuse. If one has a smartphone, he or she can access the Bible for free, in almost any language! A simple click on the phone will allow God to speak His Word. Not only can we read God’s Word, we can also hear audio versions in different languages.

The ball is in the court of the recipient. He must access, listen, understand - and simply do what is told. God has spoken. One has to simply listen and heed ….”

Yes, when we listen, we must heed and obey.

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