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[Elixir] Simply Listen (01):The Speaking God (Genesis 1:1)

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  • [Elixir] Simply Listen (01):The Speaking God (Genesis 1:1)
Dr. Rev. Roberto Betia Junior
26 Dec 2018

Hello friends! Recently, I heard a series of thought-provoking sermons by Rev Dr Roberto Betia Junior, a pastor-teacher from the Philippines. He says whether a person admits it or not, we listen to and live under authority. The people we listen to, will influence our behavior, thought patterns, choices, plans and even our attitudes, don’t you think so? Who do you listen to? In our growing up years, we listen to our parents and older family members; we listen to our teachers. At work, we listen to our bosses. Frequently, we listen to our friends. And when we wrestle with life’s problems, to whom do we turn for advice? For help? For many of us Christians, we read our Bibles, but do we really listen to God?

Rev Dr Betia shared many valuable insights. He and his wife, Erlinda, served as a missionaries and leaders in 6 Asian countries. In 43 years of ministry, they have been involved in work across children’s ministries, counselling, teaching and pastoring churches. Rev Dr Betia has seen much, experienced much and certainly reflected much.

Let me share his thoughts with you today and over the next 15 weeks. His sermon series is entitled Simply Listen for God is speaking.

Rev Dr Betia says the God of the Bible, is a communicative God. God gives us messages that can be detected, received, deciphered, understood -- and to which we can respond.

When communication exists, there is interaction and where there is interaction, a relationship can develop. When a relationship grows, various degrees of intimacy can occur. On the other hand, as we may have experienced, where little communication exists, a relationship may stunt or even cease.

So how shall we begin to know this communicative God, this God who speaks? Well, Rev Dr Betia suggests to begin from the very beginning of everything!


The first book of Scriptures is Genesis.

Genesis 1:1-31

1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 

Everything starts with God. From nothingness, everything came into existence at an audio signal from God.

God said… and there was .…   

His audio transmission is so powerful that what He said became reality. He doesn’t need to move a finger to make something. All He has to do is to say it! Thus, all creation is a product of His command. He has the power to move and to create, just by the simple opening of His mouth and the amplification of His voice.

He did this in the next six days and the universe was created. It was so easy and fast for Him to issue the command. However, as Rev Dr Betia points out, it took some time for things to fall into place; the process of creation requires time. Every specification and procedure of the command had to be complied with. It’s not random. Rather, each part of creation lays the foundation for the next; each part of creation supports and sustains the next. The most minute details and intricacies show the awesome wisdom of God, the Creator.

Water and darkness were the beginning of things. The creation of light made the universe visible. Then there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

On the second day, the waters were divided into waters above and waters below.

On the third day, God separated the waters below, and land appeared. Land is required for vegetation to grow. Plants came into being and a vast variety too - for food, for sustainability and aesthetics. God saw to it that the plants would not only feed animals and humans but also provide beauty to its surroundings.

On the fourth day, God set time and the seasons. The days, years and special moments were based on the solar and stellar systems. Later, when people appeared, they knew when to plant and harvest simply by observing the sky. They were given instructions on agricultural practices and about worship as well. Agricultural events synchronized with worship festivals held to thank God for the harvests that would sustain people for the coming year.

On the fifth day, aquatic and flying animals appeared. The seas were teaming with all sorts of living creatures. The sky was filled with many kinds of flying animals. They were given the ability to reproduce so that they would continue to serve God’s purpose for which He had designed them.

The ecological balance in creation would sustain man and other creatures. Balance was the primary concern of God in His creation. Balance would have to be kept and maintained for humans to continue to enjoy life. God purposed that man would never starve.

On the sixth and final day of creation, God created all types of land-based animals, of many species and sizes according to His purpose. Finally, God made the crown of creation – man. Although man was created on the same day as animals, man was a distinct creation. Man did not evolve from animals.

Humans were created not by verbal command, as He did for the first parts of His creation. God did not say, “Let there be man and woman!” God instead, deliberately used His hands to physically shape man from the dust of the ground. He also subsequently formed woman. Both the design and creative process for man and woman were unique.

Another distinction between the creation of humans and that of animals was that God shared some of His personal qualities. Man and woman were made in the likeness and image of God; no other animal possessed this quality. This allowed humans to interact and build up an intimate relationship with God. Man could think, feel and express himself. He is a personality not driven by mere instinct. Man and woman could, not only communicate verbally, but had the special ability to know the mind of God and feel the beat of His heart.

Humans were created with a specific purpose. They were to be the caretakers of creation and were given authority over it. The kind of world they live in would depend on how well they managed it.   

Among God’s first commands to humans was that of reproduction. They were to build a family. God expected that they would have children and their children, children. They had the whole earth to populate.

The humans as well as other land-based animals were designed to be vegetarian. God’s creation was herbivorous; God did not create carnivores.

The land area of Planet Earth was huge! Man, woman and animals had unlimited space to occupy. God’s blessings are always in abundance and unlimited.

Above all these, the best gift was the freedom of choice. Man and woman were given the ability to choose and do according to his or her wishes. It was a great risk for God to do this, but it was necessary.

Rev Dr Betia says, “The God of the Bible does not only talk but is also powerful and creative. Every particle in the universe listened and obeyed God’s Word. And the first couple? Well, God formed with His very own hands and put His own breath in them.

The God of the Bible is also wise. Look at the things around you - the sky, stars, land and sea, plants and animals – they all attest to His wisdom. They have structure, patterns and routines.

This is the God I know and wish to share with you.”


Yes, our God is a speaking God. Come and listen next week, to what He has to say to us, through Rev Dr Betia on Global Reachout on any social media platform.

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