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Bringing Heaven Home (24)

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  • Bringing Heaven Home (24)
Speaker: Elaine
09 Nov 2022

Hi fathers, mothers and grandparents. We are now on the last section of ‘The World Needs A Father’ series, Bringing Heaven Home. And this is the portion that we talk about – what is The World Needs A Father Movement all about. As we fight this fight together against fatherlessness, we want to stop this trend of fatherlessness.

And to begin, I want to do a quick recap about what the entire series of ‘The World Needs A Father’, Bringing Heaven Home series is all about. And I want to repeat the vision of ‘The World Needs A Father' is to bring heaven home. It’s to bring peace home, it’s to bring Jesus home and prevent Satan’s ungodly influence upon us and the next generation, by practicing the four pillars of what the teaching of ‘The World Needs A Father' is all about. Exerting moral authority, conferred identity, provide emotional support, and security for our children with daily affirmation, and moving towards the restoration of the entire family in peace, in love. And how the mission, it is to empower as many fathers as possible to become  ‘The World Needs A Father' practitioner. People who practice the teaching of ‘The World Needs A Father’, not just knowing, but to practice it in their families. And by impacting one father at a time to eliminate fatherlessness and bringing heaven home in the community of practice, by applying ‘The World Needs A Father’ curriculum. This is significant looking at all the ten chapters. If we practice it, our home will definitely be a place of peace and refuge for our children, for our family.

‘The World Needs A Father’  is a movement and Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom wrote a book on the spider and the starfish. ‘The World Needs A Father’ organization, movement, is about a starfish, and it's not a spider. It is about the unstoppable power of leaderless organization. Because if you cut off the spiders head, it dies. But if you cut off a starfish leg, it grows a new one and that leg can grow into an entirely new starfish.

Let me explain what it means. We will not see our movement as a typical organization. It is a movement. The one on the left is about a spider organization, that is the headquarters. The one on the right is about the star fish, no headquarters, as you can see the difference. In a spider organization, someone is in charge, in a starfish organization, no one is in charge. If you thump the head of a spider it dies. But in the movement, if you tump the head of one person on the starfish, it will continue to survive. In an organization, group communicates through intermediaries. But in a starfish movement, group communicate directly with each other. In a spider, if you take out a unit, the organization is harmed, is affected. In a starfish, if we take out a unit, the organization will still continue to thrive. In the spider, knowledge and power is concentrated. In the starfish, knowledge and power are shared, are distributed generously. In a spider, there’s a clear division of roles. In a starfish, in a movement, there’s all kinds, divided division of roles given to everybody according to their gifts and strength. In a spider, a unit are funded by the organization. In the starfish, it is all self-funded. In an organisation, you can count participants. In a movement, you cannot count the participants, it's all over. In a spider, the organization is rigid. In a starfish movement, like ‘The World Needs A Father’, it’s flexible. In an organization, it is centralized, in the movement, it is decentralized. That makes a lot of difference.

Why is the movement not as exponential as it should be in Singapore? We wish you could move faster. Why? Because, from the people that I interacted with, there's a low priority of the level of commitment. Many will say God has not called me into this movement, because they forget that this is a fathering movement, and that once they were a father, and will always be a father, called into fatherhood. Next, they would say the training materials appear difficult to duplicate. Then they said my own life is not an example, too many things already I’m involved. The church keeps me busy, and there is no time in my life available. Only person that would say there's no life available anymore, no time, is people in the cemetery. We do have time, if we see the urgency and the priority of fathers getting engaged and more involved in the family side.

What are the key aspect of the movement all about? One, the hearts of the fathers need to be convicted with a new knowledge that he acquired. And so he receive this knowledge as it impact our heart, it would be very refreshing. It will lead us to new ideas, convicted that we need to do something in our life and in a community. So when we come together as a community, this will be practicing community. Not just head-knowledge, but heart-knowledge that leads to action. That will be the culture that you want to see happening. That is transformational. It must be conviction of a heart. It must be the movement to want to act, and that then will be the changes that is going to happen in our family.

So the principles here is father influencing the family, not managing, not controlling. It is a principle of constant purification of the movement. A lot of people give critique feedback on what needs to be done. We welcome them all. But we are not going to be strive, because you're not called to just working and doing things, but we want to do things in the way God wants us to do. We want to be constantly purified by leading a pure, purposeful, Godly life, with one intention – to please God, to bring heaven home, to bring the presence of Christ into our home.

Therein that, we changed the world. Nothing like the powerful influence of the love of God in the father, expressing at home to his wife and to his children. Impact and change will happen when love is put to action at home, beginning with the father, one father at a time. We're not going to think about big things. We start by one father at a time.

What are the key rules of the movement? Is local ownership, not central leadership. Every father is important. He adds value to the larger network, as we learn to share your knowledge to one another. It is the power of creativity, it’s sharing of knowledge of how we can become better fathers, better husbands, as we learned to share and interact. Knowledge is always at the edge, there will constantly new knowledge, there be constantly new practices that will come out. And as you learn to share, this will sharpness to become better fathers, better husbands. So we don't keep the knowledge to ourselves. We want to share. So that there can be real changes being made at hoem personally.

And so we want to partner you to be influencer. Withhold the concept of inclusive partnership, and our energy should flow outwards towards the need, not inwards to our own benefits. And so if you want to go fast, you would go alone. But if you want to go far and making an impact. We go together. So to be an influencer, you can come along as initiator. You may be a visionary, strategy, a catalyst, a coordinator, because you see, you caught the vision of what it means at ‘The World Needs A Father’. Then you can come along as a validator, becoming a role model, becoming a life coach, becoming a trainer. Or a peer impactor, that means you are implementor of the entire training curriculum as you learn to live and practice these teachings in your life, building a new culture as a practitioner, one who practice the teachings of ‘The World Needs A Father'.

We are not ambitious. It starts with you as a father to impact, to train, to mentor, 2 more fathers. This is a vision of multiplication captured. And then you influence 4fathers, from 4 fathers to 8 fathers, or 16 fathers. And if these things continue, the impact is going to be island wide and globally. Lives of fathers and family will be transformed. You impact one father, you impact the entire family.

So fathers, we need to go beyond just the borders of our house. We need to have the passion. And we need to realize that there is a crisis of fatherlessness. We may not see it, but it's there. So there must be the passion to want to do something to make a difference. And this is created in a tension between the crisis of fatherlessness and the vision that we see the promise land of how we can bring family towards the promise land, bringing heaven home. Thank you fathers and mothers.

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