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Bringing Heaven Home (02) :Satan Came to Earth, Sir !

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Speaker: Elaine,Boon Choon
08 Jun 2022

Bringing Heaven Home

02 Satan Came to Earth, Sir !

Hi. Welcome fathers, mothers and grandparents to The World Needs A Father, Bringing Heaven Home series. Beginning with Chapter one, Satan Came To Earth. It is a serious topic.

Satan came to earth, simply to inflict pain and destruction to the lives of many marriages and families and the lives of many children. Looking at the rate of suicide, you will realize that he has become a substitute to our children. And that's the reason why the children are crying out in pain. Because they don't really know what true love is. They don't really know the love of heavenly Father. Fathers, mothers, grandparents, we need to be sober. It's a real serious issue. We need to be vigilant because your enemy, your adversary, the devil, walks about like a roaring lion, always seeking for one person to devour to destroy. Many people are not conscious. Many fathers or grandparents, they're just not conscious, not alert or not even bothered about their children’s crying. Some people may not believe that the devil is around, because simply you can’t see the devil. Let me stir you to realize that he is and has always been around, working all the time 24/7 to destroy families to rob, to kill, to destroy, as in John 10:10.

I urge all of us that we must see and realize by now that Satan is alive and real. And he has already come to earth, but we are not conscious of it. Look at the LGBTQ movement, look at porn and media. That's where Satan is and is alive. Look at the media, the many gaming addiction that has been put upon to many lives, adults and children as well. The LGBTQ movement, the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transvestite, queer communities, I don't know how many more letters they going to put, is actually in direct defiance against God.

Porn is desecrating purity of sex, the gift of sex. And it becomes no longer the essence of sacredness because it is so desecrated from porn. The media that we have with Facebook, Instagram and many others has become the main influence upon the minds of many children's life. And it basically leads to destruction. The LGBTQ movement actually throw away the very basic identity of men and women. And they have destroyed the image of what men and women has meant to be since the beginning of creation.

Addiction to porn, it's very serious. Because if you have gone through, Josh McDowell’s video, you would realize very disturbing facts about what porn has caused to many people's mind. Why porn? Because pornography has been used by the devil in a very subtle way, through the mind and to the heart and they corrupt the person with a subtle intention to rob, kill and destroy many marriages. Many marriages have been broken down because husbands get so addicted to porn. Sorry, keep on moving up and down. But the important message to realize here is that we need to be vigilant, to stand against the terrible porn pandemic. To me, I think that it’s worse than the COVID pandemic. How people are so deeply in it, they seem not to be able to get out. And worst of all, in Josh McDowell’s disturbing video on porn pandemic, children at the age of nine are already hooked on to porn. Why? Because parents have given them their mobile in their bedroom, and they are watching without their parents knowing it. So parents if you can take the children's phone away from them when they go to sleep. Not in their bedroom, but their mobile to be in your bedroom.

Now as I’ve shared, the devil has been constantly around, but people are not bothered but the reality of the devil been around, hunting, always looking forward to destroy lives in a very deceptive way. You look at the three pictures in front of you and people are still not accepting the fact. That is where the devil is very actively involved, trying to destroy families. What do we need to do then? We need to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest God says I come and strike the earth with a curse. And then in Luke 1:17, again, it has been repeated, to turn the hearts of the fathers of the children, to turn the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

So what does it mean for fathers being the leader and head of the family? We need to take authority, we need to take authority. Luke 10:19 is a very important verse that Jesus gave to his disciples and also to us, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” Meaning what? Once we realize this, we operate from a position of victory, not defeat. The devil has already been defeated when Christ died on the cross. He died, he rose again, and he's given us the power and the authority. Problem is, a lot of fathers are not taking this authority given to us to exert against the evil one. And the devil, in a very subtle, deceptive way, is causing havoc, destruction to many families, many children's life. And we’re not knowing that it’s happening. It's so sad and it's a tragedy.

In Singapore itself, 454 suicides last year. 154 are elders, 60 years old and above, 30 teenagers committed suicide. You may say It's only 454, but when it’s your own family members, your own child who is a casualty? It is not a small number, is a serious rising of suicide, in 2020. We need to do something about it, taking the authority given to us. We need to have the passion, the serious passion that fatherlessness is a real issue. It's a crisis. And we need the passion to really do something to stop this crisis of fatherlessness.

And so dear friends, dear fathers, dear mothers, dear grandparents, it is a serious situation, and we may not be aware of it. But seriously, Satan came to earth, very mercilessly, he won’t hesitate to destroy. I would like all of us to do a reflective question. There are three of these. The first one is, try to reflect and think of what signs of fatherlessness you see, and how are you impacted by fatherlessness in your growing up years? Question number two is, list daily action you need to take to stop ungodly influence upon your life and your children's life. Third, how will you guide your children to turn their hearts to God always? Take the time when you have small groups, in your families to reflect and to talk about these three questions. Thank you very much.

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