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【The "J" Vaccine @ Work 39】 Beware of Worldly Trophies

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  • 【The "J" Vaccine @ Work 39】 Beware of Worldly Trophies
Text: Called To Work, Production: Global Reachout
25 Sep 2023

Matthew 6:19-20 (NKJV): Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.

As children, we are often raised to compete, excel and show off our victory trophies. For example, a student athlete labors tirelessly to earn a trophy. A student musician practices for countless hours to earn a medal. Those trophies are tangible symbols of their achievement, self-worth or power to successfully compete.


Let's fast-forward through time. These same students who competed in sports, the arts, or some other arena graduate from school and enter the workplace. They are still conditioned to earn trophies, but the trophies have changed to things like bigger homes, fancier cars, elegant jewelry and wardrobes, investments, vacation homes, exotic travel and memberships in exclusive clubs. All of this "stuff" is a  symbol of their success. In reality, however, they have laid up for themselves treasures on the earth; the very activity that Jesus warns us NOT to do.


Are you collecting worldly trophies that have little or no eternal value? A wise Christian will lay up treasures in heaven where there is a 100% guarantee backed by God that they will not be eaten away, rust or be stolen. Perhaps it is time for you to cash in some of those trophies and give the proceeds to Kingdom-building as led by the Holy Spirit. Think of the ministry funding that would come in on a regular basis, if every believer faithfully tithed and exchanged his or her worldly trophies for heavenly treasures. The Body of Christ does not have a funding problem, it has a heart problem. If you are guilty of covetousness, ask Him to set you FREE and He will! 


Lets think about and discuss these questions:

  1. How do you understand the meaning of "laying up treasures in heaven"? What specific actions do you think Christians can take to "lay up treasures in heaven?
  2. What are the seemingly harmless "trophies" in your life that are actually laying up earthly treasures? How do you deal with these "trophies" to be more in line with Gods will?
  3. How can we ensure that our value before God is not lost while pursuing career success?
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