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Oasis of God's Grace (15)

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  • Oasis of God's Grace (15)
Speaker: Dr Johnson Lim
10 Nov 2022

Episode 15



Hebrews chapter 11 is commonly known as the Hall of Fame of biblical characters with faith in God. The common refrain we hear is, ‘By faith…’ ordinary people did extraordinary things (11: 33-34). When we read Hebrews 11, we get excited don’t we? We are told that for some of these people, the world was not worthy of them (11:38). Yet several who were listed as men and women of faith did fail God, for example, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Samson and Jepthath. But God did not cast them away. Hence, God can use anyone who repents, including drug addicts, adulterers, murderers, liars, alcoholics, misfits and prostitutes.  Regardless of what you have done, God has a place for you. If we eliminate all who have failed, the Bible would be a very thin book! Let me illustrate further by giving three biblical examples and two contemporary stories.




In Matthew 1:1-3 we are told that Judah was father of Perez and Zerah. His life was a sordid tale.  In spite of what he had done, God used him. God specializes in changing people. The genealogy did not mention his legitimate son Shelah but mentioned Perez born out of incest. Today we talk of the lion of Judah. From a disgrace, he became great. As Cymbala (1999:134) rightly points out:  

We are drifting way from the New Testament message of God’s amazing grace to change and redeem soiled people; instead we are moralizing and expressing self-righteous disdain over the horrible lives others are living around us.




We know the character of Peter well. He speaks without thinking. He is also a braggart. He brags to the disciples about his allegiance to Christ only to deny him at the critical moment. Peter failed Christ by denying him thrice. From a human perspective he is a failure. Yet we are surprised to read what Mark 16:7 says: ‘But go and say to his disciples and Peter: “He is going ahead of you in Galilee: there you will see him, as he told you”’. That is a great verse which tells us that although Peter failed Christ by denying him, he was given a second chance. If I were Peter I would have been greatly encouraged and uplifted. What a motivation for Peter to start all over again. 


Also in John 21, we are told Jesus gave Peter three chances to affirm his love for him. He did. Perhaps this explains why he becomes totally sold out to Christ’s lordship because of his experience of grace.  That same Peter who denied Christ later wrote the first and second epistles of Peter where the word grace is mentioned at least nine times. That coward Peter became a firebrand for God in preaching on the day of Pentecost. He had experienced the grace of the gospel firsthand in his encounter with Christ.  Tradition has it that he asked to be crucified upside down because he felt unworthy to be crucified upright like Christ.




Paul and Barnabas took Mark as an intern on their first missionary journey. However, along the way in Pamphylia, Mark deserted them (Acts 15:38). Scholars suggest Mark deserted the team because he was homesick, ill, cowardly and unable to endure hardship.  


So on the second missionary journey, Paul insisted Mark should be left out. He did not believe Mark deserved a second chance. Barnabas whose name means Son of Encouragement, however, thought otherwise. He believed Mark needed a second chance.


As a result, a sharp dispute arose which split their missionary partnership. Paul took Silas while Barnabas took Mark and set sail for Cyprus.  


Fortunately, the story did not end there. Because Barnabas was willing to exercise grace on Mark and give him a second chance, we have the Gospel of Mark which was written by the very person who deserted Paul and Barnabas.  Without Barnabas, there will be no Gospel of Mark to give us a splendid portrayal of the servanthood of Christ. Reading his gospel is exciting because it is characterized by the word, ‘immediately’.  


What is interesting is that Paul later changed his opinion about Mark. When Paul was in prison, he asked for Mark. He told Timothy, ‘Get hold of Mark and bring him with you; he was a great help to me’ (2 Tim 4:11). Of all the people he could have seen, he asked specifically for Mark who once deserted and disappointed him.      

Thank God for Barnabas who was willing to give Mark a second chance and for believing in him.  We need more to be like Barnabas in our churches.


A Malaysian Minister


At the height of a promising career in dentistry, God called Brother X into the ministry. To prepare for ministry, he went to study enrolled at Regent College in Vancouver, Canada. The Lord blessed his ministry and he pastored of one of the largest, fastest-growing churches in Malaysia. As a successful pastor and riding on the crest of his popularity, he became much sought-after as a speaker for local, regional and international meetings.


However, his entire world collapsed when his beloved wife died from cancer leaving behind two sons. His second marriage ended in divorce. When that happened, churches cancelled his preaching and teaching engagements. His friends either condemned him or shunned him. Rumours were rife about him. He had lost everything including his most beloved church.


Not surprisingly, he became depressed. He felt suicidal and contemplated quitting the ministry. He oscillated between moods of shame and bitterness. He was angry towards those who failed to show compassion and sympathy when he needed them most. During his hey-day, many churches welcomed him but now one by one, they shut their doors to him. He felt used and struggled with feelings of rejection and dejection.  


Predictably, many churches and friends took upon themselves the prophet’s mantel and pronounced about his ministry that, ‘It is finished’ or rather ‘You are finished’.   

During such difficult times, he rediscovered the true meaning of grace which sustained him.  Genuine friends and mentors persevered in encouraging him. A loving and caring church embraced him and restored him to the ministry. During this dark night of the soul, he began to know who God really was. He saw the importance of having mentors and genuine friends.


Today Brother X is restored to significant ministry. God has opened different doors of opportunity for him to minister to people from all walks of life. Indeed, failure need not be final because God, and not humans, has the final say.       


A Singaporean Minister


When God called him to the ministry, Brother A enrolled at the Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary in Penang, Malaysia. His leadership skills were recognized by both professors and peers. Upon graduation, he pastored a Baptist church in Singapore. Under his dynamic and caring leadership, the church grew by leaps and bonds and became the leading church in the Convention. He became a very successful pastor and was in great demand as a speaker.


One day, he had an encounter with the Holy Spirit which transformed his ministry. Unfortunately, the church was not ready to accept his teaching and testimony on the Holy Spirit. As a man of vision, he was ahead of his time. In order not to cause division, he resigned from the church.


He started a new church but soon resigned. His whole world tumbled and life began to go downhill. It lasted eighteen years. He was bitter and angry with God because he felt he did not deserve such treatment. After all, he had been serving God faithfully and had given his best to his people.  He felt God had abandoned him. His spiritual and family life suffered greatly. He became a bruised, broken and devastated man.  From a spiritual giant, he was reduced to a dwarf. There were times when he did nothing but stared blankly at the wall. He lost his zest for life and ministry. He refused to meet visitors in his home. In his despair, he blamed God and boxed with him. He vowed he would never return to the ministry.


However, he had friends who refused to give up on him although he had given up on himself. His brother and a pastor befriended him. They included him in their weekly recreation. His best friends brought him regularly to Port Dickson, Malaysia to fish and recuperate. Being with friends at Port Dickson was very therapeutic for him. Once when the group was praying, he broke down and wept uncontrollably over all hurt, pain, bitterness and anger he held against God.


Slowly but surely, God began to rework in his life to restore him. Today, he is back in the ministry. He responds to opportunity to preach, visit, fetch and counsel the elderly.  Lives are touched by his testimony and ministry again. Failure need not be final because God allows U turn.  (1480 words)       



Discussion Questions


  1. Which of the stories excite you?
  2. Do you agree with Cymbala (1999:134)

who says, “We are drifting away from the New Testament message of God’s amazing grace to change and redeem soiled people; instead we are moralizing and expressing self-righteous disdain over the horrible lives others are living around us.

  1. Do you have a story to tell about God’s amazing grace in your life.
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