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Highway To Happiness (05) : Session 5

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  • Highway To Happiness (05) : Session 5
Broadcast: Angelie | Speaker: Dr Johnson T.K. Lim | Production: Xiao Rong
09 Feb 2022

Session 5





The third principle that leads to the highway of happiness is Look to the future that is accompanied by hope.  When we do so, living becomes more exciting. "Hope is patience with the lamp lit (Tertullian).  "Hope gives strength to walk away  from failure and move on to success. In every setback you can find a seed of future success. Plant seeds with vision and fertilize  with hope. Water with enthusiasm. Life has greater blessings in store for you."  Life without hope is  a life without meaning.

We are living in a turbulent times. We face personal anxiety, economic uncertainty, memories of global financial crisis, volatility in share markets climate changes, air traffic chaos and tragedy mounting job losses, mortgage crisis, skyrocketing fuel prices, volatile financial market, political uncertainties in different countries and the imminent prospect of a recession.  We need to have hope to survive and thrive.  Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. There is hope only for the living. As they say, “It’s better to be a live dog than a dead lion!” ( Eccl 9:4)




This is a famous canvas painting entitled "Hope" by artist George Frederic Watts (1817-  1904). In its painting, she is depicted sitting on a globe, blindfold, clutching a wooden lyre with only one string left intact. She sits in a hunched position, with her head leaning towards the instrument, perhaps so she can hear the faint music she can make with the sole remaining string. That is a picture of hope.

A reproduction of this painting "Hope"  hung on the prison wall on Robben Island kept Nelson Mandela alive and his hope of release  after spending  served 27 years in prison, he was later released from prison on 11 February 1990. Such is the power  of hope.

It has been said,  

A person can live…

40 days without food;

4 days without water

4 minutes without air but only

4 seconds without hope.




This raises an important question. How do you look to the future with hope? The answer is,  "by leaning on the everlasting arm" ( Deut 33:27).  In other words, believing and depending on a supreme being whom we call God. Surveys have shown that there is a correlation because happiness people with religious beliefs.  It should come as no surprise. Such people cope with life better when tragedy strikes. They survive and thrive better when they experience disappointment, failures and rejection.   

Why do we need to believe in God?  Allow me to share some compelling reasons.

1) You were created by God with a design and purpose.  "You are not the momentary whim of a careless creator experimenting in the laboratory of life. . . You were made with a purpose" (Og Mandino).  

2) You are not only a social being but also a spiritual being.  As a spiritual being with spiritual needs, only God who is Spirit can meet those needs. You have a hole in your heart which only God can fill it..

You have made us for yourself. And our hearts are restless until they rest in You (Augustine AD 354-430).

In each and every heart there is a God-shaped vacuum. And only God can fill that vacuum (Pascal AD 1623-1622)   


4) With God as your guide you do not need to fear the future. Belief in God helps keep faith in him. Belief in God helps us face the music even when we don't like the music. Believers are not be afraid of tomorrow; for God is already there (Author Unknown).  "Indeed, you do not know what the future holds but as a believer you know who holds the future. "

5) The best is yet to be when you lean on the everlasting arm. "The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. (Deut 33:27).  

6) There are many things in life cannot be adequately explained apart from God. How do you explain unity and diversity in the universe? How do you explain the nobility of humans and at the same time the notoriety of humans? How do you explain creativity, designs, morality and love?  When you see complexity and intelligent designs and order of the natural world it is more reasonable  and logical to assume a creator rather than  it originated by time , accident and chance.  When you walk on the road and you find a watch, your first reaction is not it dropped from the sky or it came out by it itself because of an explosion watch factory. Rather, you assume that watch was designed by watchmaker and someone dropped it. When we talk about a designer we are talking about the God of the Bible  who is infinite -personal God. The primary way to know the designer  is to know God!      

The question for you is, "Do you know the God who is described in the Bible?  If not, Are you willing to take the risk  to get to know Him? Blaise Pascal (1623-1622 AD), a brilliant French philosopher, physicist and mathematician yet devout believer. He later became famous for what scholars and philosophers call, "Pascal Wager". This is what he said, " Belief is a wise wager. Granted that faith cannot be proved, what harm will come to you if you gamble on its truth and it proves false? If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then without hesitation, that He exists."  Will you take a risk? As Peter Drucker says, " Here is the risk you cannot afford to take and there is the risk you cannot afford not to take."      

 Ultimately, a belief in God is about faith. "It is the heart that experiences God, and not by the reason. This then, is faith: God felt by the heart, not by the reason...We know truth, not only by the reason, but also by the heart." Ultimately, it is not the outlook but the uplook that counts.      

Do You Know... (Ancient Wisdom)

Surrender control to the supreme wisdom and authority of God and to the Divine in your soul. Step into the void with courage. Learn to say," I don't know." That's not blind faith. It's pure faith that will allow God and your spirit to lead you wherever your soul wants and needs to go. Don't worry. Worry does not empty today of its strength. It empties today of its strength. "People change, fashions change, and conditions change, but God never changes" (Billy Graham)   





To Travel On The Highway To Happiness You Need To Remember 3 Basic Principles:

Principle # 1 - Let Go of The Past by Learning to Forgive Others (Self)

Principle # 2 - Live in The Present by Living One Day at A Day.

Principle # 3 - Look to The Future by Leaning on The Everlasting Arm.

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We have come to the end of our journey together. I hope you have found it exciting, enriching and educational that will equip you to travel on the highway of happiness as I did. Happiness matters! At the end, to enjoy life and be happy. Life has shown that happiness is not measured by things we have or don't have. Ultimately, it is the uplook and not the inlook or outlook that matters.  Some wise person has written: “Success is a journey, not a destination.  Happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road-for then the journey is over and it is too late.  The time for happiness is today, not tomorrow.”   

At then end of it all the true secret of happiness is to know Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour. He is the only one that can give you true joy and happiness that no one else can. Would you like to know him?

Say this simple prayer.


Dear God,

I believe in you..

Thank You for sending your son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins.

I admit I am a sinner.

I open the door of my life and receive Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord.

Thank You God for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life.

From today onwards, take control of my life.

Help me live a happy, meaningful and fulfilled life.  Amen.

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