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【The "J" Vaccine @ Work 23】Consider the Entrepreneurial Option

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  • 【The "J" Vaccine @ Work 23】Consider the Entrepreneurial Option
Called To Work, Production: Global Reachout
05 Jun 2023

Galatians 5:1 (NKJV): "Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage."


When someone is born again,it is a fantastic event. Think of how excited Paul was when he reflected on his own salvation and observed others coming to Christ. Even the angels rejoice! However, in this passage, Paul has a concern about believers going back into the bondage of legalism or license from which they have been set free. Paul understands that when a soul is saved, God wants him or her to enjoy the Spirit-filled life of liberty.


Perhaps you have tried to be a Godly employee or employer, but you are feeling a persistent sense of spiritual oppression. The Holy Spirit is calling you to move on. The key question is, move on to what? Pray about it. The Holy Spirit may be leading you to take a huge leap of faith by starting your own business: a business that could bring glory and honor to the Lord; a business that could have a Christ-based culture; a business that could be operated with Biblical principles; a business that could allow you to soar in your Christian liberty and abound in the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit; a business that could be Kingdom-building.


If the Holy Spirit is leading you toward entrepreneurship, do not fight Him. He will provide what you need to fulfill His call.


Lets think about and discuss these questions:

1. Are you sensing that it is time for a career change? Why?

2. If you have been feeling a persistent sense for a career change but still have not taken any actions, think about it right now, what is holding you back from moving forward?

3. Do you enjoy the liberty in Christat work? In what ways?

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